Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What's Going On?

Oh my goodness....so much has been going on here. Spring has hit full throttle, and we are trying to keep up. First a note to those of you who need plantings, we are getting to you as fast as we can. The weather last week put everyone in our industry behind, so this week we are working double time trying to get everyone taken care of!!! Please be patient with us! Mother Nature really bit us last week.

I'm going to post a few pictures from around the nursery, then I'm going to tell you about a new addition to the nursery that we are very excited about. Later on this afternoon I hope to post some pictures of the big projects that we have going on....WOW, I've got a lot to do today!!!

So, here's some pictures...

Now for some more news...we are so excited to have a full-time landscape designer on staff here at the nursery. Lindsay Lindsey has joined our staff. She brings a true wealth of wonderful plant knowledge to Creekside. She makes beautiful custom containers, designs full lawns and helps us keep the plants here at the nursery in check. Everyone needs to stop by and say hi to Lindsay. We can't be happier!!!