Monday, July 26, 2010

Fall is on my mind....

Ahhhh, fall....OK, I KNOW it's not fall, yet. I'm not stupid. In retail, you have to learn to shift gears at different times than everyone else. So now I'm in fall mode. It's my favorite time of year. I think putting my brain into fall mode is also keeping me from having a heat stroke. I mean, REALLY, what's up with the heat! Is your yard burning up yet? If it is, you aren't the only one. Keeping a yard going this time of year is truly a labor of love.

Since it's really hot and I didn't want to put a picture of a thermostat exploding, I'll leave you with a beautiful picture of a butterfly that my friend Dianne took. Isn't that a wonderful example of what nature gives us to enjoy during these sweltering summer afternoons? See, it all evens out....