Saturday, March 24, 2012

Why can I get SUCH-N-SUCH plant at (insert name of BIG BOX retailer here) but not at Creekside Nurseries yet?

Hi friends! I want to address some questions we get at the nursery this time of year. This is really important to us, so I hope you have a few minutes to read this. Thanks in advance.


Spring has attacked early this year!! We've all been holding our breathe waiting for that big snowstorm, but it looks like we dodged that bullet (knock on wood). The garden centers at Big Box retailers are bursting at the seams. Our clients regularly ask about this. So, here's the 'rest of the story'...Big Box retailers source plants from all over the United States, and in some cases, the world. They are able to get just about any plant at any time of year. Local garden centers, like us, put great pride in getting plants from local growers. Many times the person driving the delivery truck is the same person who took care of those plants before they arrived at Creekside Nurseries. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO US. We also know, from talking to our clients, that it's important to you guys as well. Shopping, sourcing, & eating local helps us all.

Also, keep in mind, just because your Big Box retailer has a plant in, it doesn't mean it's time to plant. We try to wait until it's time for that plant to go out in the yard. Putting it out early means there is a good chance the little guy isn't going to make it. Of course, when you are dealing with Mother Nature, only SHE knows...

If you have an event at your home or business and need greenery, call us or stop by. Because our growers are local, sometimes we can pick up a few things a little early for special needs. We always try to accommodate our clients when possible. That's not always the case, but we will try to find something that might be in bloom, or is at least green.

I hope this helps everyone to understand a little better what we do. Feel free to leave any comments or questions here and I will be glad to read and answer where required. We love our community and are thankful to you guys for keeping us in business for more than 10 years. Thank you.