Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas everyone! As I sit here in the small window of calm of this morning, I am so thankful for all of the friends we have made over this past year. Thank you to everyone who has: become a new client, come back again as an old client, bought plants and herbs, stopped by to "just say hi", told others about us, visited the reindeer, read this blog...thanks to everyone. We look forward to what the new year brings, and hope you do, too.

We will officially be closed until January 6, 2009. We have a crew out working but the nursery will be closed. The family will be visiting relatives in Germany, so check back often as I will try to post pictures as the internet allows. If you need to get in contact with us you can send an email via the link to our website.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Project Continues

I've told you that we are doing the hardscapes and landscaping for the Knoxville Symphony League Showhouse. This is such an exciting project for us. The house is truly a showpiece, and we are so honored to be involved. I wanted to show you some pictures of the progress. So here we go...

These are just a few pictures. I took these yesterday with my new Christmas present! Thank you Santa Scott!! It was SOOOOOOO cold yesterday, so I didn't get a whole lot of pictures, but I wanted to get at least some on here as soon as I could. The front is almost finished, and we are starting on the back. If you haven't been out to visit this neighborhood, you really need to get out there. Many of the lots are already sold, and lots of beautiful houses are going up. (If anyone out there is feeling like sharing, I would really love to have that Parade of Homes house. Just never know.) 

I hope everyone is having an incredible holiday season. We look forward to seeing all of our friends after the new year. We will be closed December 25th through the 6th. We are going to visit relatives in Germany, so I will post some pictures from that trip as well. I'm really excited to get some great ideas for hardscaping since the Europeans have such beautiful stonework. 

Merry Christmas!!! 

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Where I Come From"

That's what our trees were singing as they pulled in. Here are a few pictures of the home of the trees...

And we thought it was cold here!! Oh no no no. This picture was taken the day before Thanksgiving. That's cold. You can see in the background their hay bales and pumpkins. I'll stop complaining about the cold now. Yeah, probably not.

I'll leave you with a few more pictures of the snow. 

We still have some nice trees for those of you who are waiting until the last minute. Tell us you read the blog and we will give you 20% off your purchase.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I haven't forgotten...

We are still here! Just a little cRaZy right now. We want to thank everyone who has visited this season so far, whether online or in person. We are really staying busy. I want to get some pictures of this past weekend on the blog soon. Maybe I will get a chance tonight.

Stay dry and warm everyone!!! 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Trees, trees, trees. It's all I see.

Just a quick post 'cause we are buuuuuusy!!!!

Here's what's going on...
This was our largest tree. This big boy went FAST. 

The day the trees came in.
Well, that's all I have time for right now. Hope to see everyone this weekend for the reindeer!!!