Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Raining It's Pouring

What a day to be home in bed curled up reading a good book. Alicia  has a list of some good books to read. She also has a good looking sandwich post today. Yummy! I might have to try that one. Good books AND good rainy weather food. Her blog was the first one I found. I didn't even know what a blog was until I saw hers, and now she has her own book coming out. I'm really excited for her (and I don't even know her).  She tells us all about what is going on in her life, so you really feel like you are friends with her through her posts.

I did make a Kinko's run today to get the posters printed up. They do look pretty good if I do say so. I haven't put any out yet since it is raining and I don't want them to get rained on before anyone even sees them. We will have them up at the nursery, so we should get to talk a lot about the reindeer this weekend. 

Have I told you where these reindeer live? They live right here in Rocky Hill. How fun is that? Kyle (one of Santa's very important elves) takes care of the reindeer and will bring them (and even a sleigh) to your place of business or event. He has clients all over the country. Here is a picture of the sleigh he brought to us last year. A lot of people were able to get some great pictures for their Christmas cards last year.

Well, I guess that's all for today. I hope you are enjoying your rainy day. Now go take a nap!

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